L’olive oil is the essential part of the Mediterranean diet, recommended by many doctors to stay healthy as long as possible. And for good reason, it is attributed many health benefits. Anticholesterol, useful against hypertension, to prevent constipation, even painkiller… Its content of monounsaturated fatty acids makes olive oil a real ally.
It is indeed important to consume vegetable fatsremind us Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist (www.lamethodegruman.com).
Be careful though. Not all olive oils are created equal! Our expert helps us to better choose them when shopping in order to be sure of obtaining good nutritional quality.
“Not all olive oils are necessarily good”
Olive oil is excellent for healthbecause of its richness in omega-9, monounsaturated fatty acids. Their consumption is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.
Its high content of antioxidant makes it also interesting to fight against the aging. It is rich in polyphenols but also in vitamin K, which acts in favor of the blood clotting and solidity bone. The vitamin E found in olive oil contributes to skin elasticity.
Some criteria are however to be taken into consideration when you buy an olive oil if you want it to be interesting from a nutritional.
” Not all are necessarily good. It is preferable to respect certain criteria to obtain an oil of good nutritional quality. Then, we choose our oil according to its origin Greece, Italy, South of France… It will mainly depend on its taste. », explains Raphaël Gruman.
It reminds us how important it is to vary the oils in your diet. Yes, olive oil is very interesting, but it ultimately contains few omega-3 fatty acids, known for their benefits on the heart. ” Flaxseed oil contains a lot of it. If we vary the oils, we cover all our fatty acid intake! “, adds the nutritionist.
Discover in pictures the 5 criteria to check before buying an olive oil.