Chiropractic is a manual therapy that acts mainly on one part of the body: the spine. However, this discipline does not only relieve back pain, since it treats more generally the functional and pathological disorders of the musculoskeletal system, at the origin of various pains, but also certain organs, connected to the spine by nerves.
Pain related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) concern the affections of the soft tissues located at the periphery of the joints, namely muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments or even vessels. Often linked to repetitive movements, MSDs are the leading cause of occupational disease in France and are characterized by pains acute or chronic, which can be relieved with chiropractic.
The goal ? Improve joint mobility and reduce pain, which “is not always measured in the intensity but also in the possibility of carrying out certain movements”, according to Caroline Lambert, chiropractor and vice-president of the Association française de chiropraxie (AFC). To relieve pathologies such as carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, tendonitis, low back pain, back pain or sciatica, the practitioner brings movement in the joints and thus acts on the inflammatory system.
Pain related to fibromyalgia
Another condition synonymous with suffering: fibromyalgia, a complex pathology characterized by permanent pain throughout the body, intense fatigue and microdepression. It affects two to three million people in France and is still difficult to treat, especially because of the variety of its symptoms. If chiropractic does not cure fibromyalgia, it can be a real ally against this disease and relieve the pain it induces. Cervical manipulations thus make it possible to significantly improve the quality of life of patients.
“Referred” pain
The pains can sometimes hold surprises, as evidenced by the so-called referred pains, that is to say, which are felt far from the home of origin. Acute or chronic, they are paradoxically often painless and can be highlighted during a chiropractic session. “Patients sometimes come to consult for a given problem, but other pains of which they were not aware are sometimes identified by the practitioner”, explains Caroline Lambert.
The pain referred is actually pain in the nerves. By applying gentle pressure to those around the spine, the chiropractor allows the nerve impulse to recover its potential capacity.
“By focusing on the lower back, we can thus act on intestinal pain”, gives Caroline Lambert as an example. Some patients therefore call on chiropractic for pain that a priori has nothing to do with the back or the joints, namely menstrual pain, inguinal pain, pain related to constipation, prostate problems or even pain. tension headaches, migraines and tinnitus.
How much does a session with the chiropractor cost?
To avoid suffering, nothing beats anticipation: consulting a chiropractor in a preventive way makes it possible to detect and correct imbalances before the pain sets in. A session with the chiropractor generally costs between 50 and 80 euros. This manual therapy is not covered by the Primary Health Insurance Fund but certain alternative medicine guarantees from mutuals allow reimbursement. Or in the form of an annual lump sum (in this case, 100% of the fees invoiced are reimbursed up to a certain ceiling), or in the form of a fixed price per session.
In video: What back pain do you suffer from?
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- The chiropractor’s advice for sleeping well … without having back pain
- Pregnant: what can chiropractic do for you?
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- Back pain: are we being manipulated or not?