- What is called bloating?
- Bloating and aerophagia, are they the same thing?
- What are the causes of bloating?
- What are the symptoms and annoyances of bloating?
- What to do in case of bloating?
- What foods are bloated?
- How to prevent bloating in prevention?
- What natural tips against bloating?
What is called bloating?
The intestinal bloating are the most common digestive complaint. About 20 to 40% of the general population complains about it. It is intestinal discomfort linked to gas. This symptom is aggravated by the meal, and more important at the end of the day. Bloating intestines can be a major discomfort.
Bloating and aerophagia, are they the same thing?
They are two different bowel disorders. THE’aerophagia (“Swallowing air”) is a functional bowel disorder that can cause repeated belching with chronic progression, but also increased gas emission. Aerophagia is actually a tic or bad habit of swallowing too much air while eating and / or drinking.
What are the causes of bloating?
There are many causes for intestinal bloating. Four main factors have been identified: a dysfunction of the muscles of the abdominal strap, a disturbance of the transit of gases in the intestine, an intestinal hypersensitivity which makes it abnormally sensitive to the intestinal movements of gases of a normal volume, and, more rarely, excessive intestinal gas production.
“There may be an intolerance to gluten or FODMAPs”, indicates Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist-nutritionist, ex-attaché of the Hospitals of Paris. This term refers to the abbreviation of carbohydrates (Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols) contained in the diet and which, in some people, are not completely absorbed from the small intestine. They can then cause gas production which causes intestinal pain, gas or bloating.
Recent weight gain can cause this symptom to appear. Periods or stress can have an aggravating effect. Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome are much more affected by bloating. “Bloating can be associated with transit disorders (constipation or diarrhea), specifies Dr Pierre Nys. It is necessary to look for an organicity, for example a celiac disease, even if this is relatively rare “, he recommends.
What are the symptoms and annoyances of bloating?
Abdominal bloating causes a feeling of abdominal distension (with in the majority of people a visible increase in the waist circumference), associated with a need to expel gas through the anus (flatulence). From abdominal pain (stomach aches) may accompany these sensations.
What to do in case of bloating?
“You should consult your doctor who will do additional examinations if necessary, in order to look for organicity”, informs Dr Pierre Nys. The treatment then depends on the cause: correction of a possible transit disorder (constipation, diarrhea) associated, regular practice of physical activity (which accelerates the transit of gas), management of stress if the latter seems to be an aggravating factor, hygiene and diet recommendations.
The main :
- reduction in daily intake of foods responsible for gas
- favor eggs, lean meats, fish, poultry (without the skin), fennel and rice,
- avoid foods containing air (soufflés, meringues and carbonated drinks),
- limit fat intake,
- chew well,
- eat more slowly,
- drink before and after the meal,
- get regular physical exercise.
If symptoms persist in spite of the hygieno-dietetic measures, avoidance diets can be proposed. If lactose intolerance is suspected, all milk-based foods (milk and dairy products, cheese, cream, ice cream, etc.) must be deleted.
A diet low in FODMAPs can be implemented: it consists of eliminating all foods rich in FODMAPs for 6 weeks and, in case of improvement, reintroducing them one by one in order to determine the foods causing the symptom. and to avoid unnecessary and sometimes dangerous dietary restrictions.
“Antispasmodics, drugs for functional colopathy, are sometimes prescribed to relieve bloating “, inform the nutritionist doctor.
What foods are bloated?
“These foods differ from person to person : it can be crucifers (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli…), hard fiber foods such as raw vegetables. You should also pay attention to polyols, carbohydrates added to foods, such as sugar-free chewing gum, informs Dr Pierre Nys. In general, it is the FODMAPs that are responsible for bloating “, he adds.
From examples of foods rich in FODMAPs : apple, mango, watermelon, honey, artichoke, asparagus, beet, cabbage, eggplant, garlic, leek, onion, wheat, rye, legumes, apricot, avocado, blackberries, peach, pear, plum and prune, watermelon, cauliflower , fungus, sweet corn, and sweeteners (sorbitol (E420), mannitol (E421), isomalt (E953), maltitol (E965), xylitol (E967).
How to prevent bloating in prevention?
Some rules of hygiene of life can limit bloating :
- eat meals at regular times,
- split them up by making 4 small meals rather than 2 larger ones,
- avoid fermentable foods (oat bran, cabbage, turnip, onion, dairy products, apple, mango, grapes, sweeteners),
- take your meals in peace and eat slowly,
- go for a walk 15 minutes after meals which promotes digestion.
“Finally, if you notice that foods are poorly tolerated, such as apricots, tomatoes, even if they are pruned and without skin, they must be excluded., recommends Dr. Nys. As there is a very significant stress-related increase in bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome, as far as possible, they need to avoid putting themselves in a stressful situation“, he adds.
What natural tips against bloating?
Probiotics are known to be able to reduce flatulence by restoring the balance of the intestinal flora thanks to the Lactobacillus acidophilus which acidifies the intestines and thus maintains the natural balance of fermentation processes. “In absolute terms, it would be necessary to use the one the person needs, which is impossible since it would be necessary to know the composition of his digestive flora. The” classics “of the Lactibiane type, or other source of lactobacillus, are therefore used. may also recommend natural probiotics, of food origin, such as lacto-fermented foods for example “, develops Dr. Nys.
In herbal medicine, you can use vegetable charcoal, at a rate of 2 capsules without food and 2 hours away from any other medication, 3 times a day. Fennel is also recommended to reduce bloating.
In homeopathy, you can try Carbo vegetalis 4CH, China 5CH (painful bloating), Kalium carbonicum 5CH (bloating with fatigue) at the rate of 5 granules before the meal, 3 times a day.
- Interview with Pierre Nys, endocrinologist-nutritionist, ex-attaché of the Hospitals of Paris and author of The low Fodmaps diet, Editions Leduc.s, April 2021
- François Cessot, Jean-Christophe Létard and Pauline Jouët, Abdominal discomfort, poor digestion, bloating, excess gas, CREGG 2017
- Ph.Ducrotté, Abdominal bloating, what’s new? fmcgastro.org
- French association for continuing medical education in hepato-gastroenterology
Read also:
- Why shouldn’t you hold back your gas?
- The anti-stress routine to stop being bloated
- Irritable bowels: how to relieve them during and after the crisis?