Article L6313-4 of the Labor Code presents the skills assessment as ” A device accessible to anyone motivated by this approach, without prerequisites, which allows employees and job seekers to analyze their professional and personal skills as well as their skills and their motivations in order to define a professional project and, if necessary, A training project. »»
Whether you want to evolve, convert yourself, prepare internal or external mobility, the Skills assessment is an approach that promotes your professional development.
The skills assessment pursues different objectives:
- Identify your strengths but also your areas for improvement in terms of skills, knowledge, skills, resources to improve your profile.
- Objectively assess your skills to better know how to enhance them and position yourself better on the job market.
- Access a better knowledge of yourself, the environment and the professional possibilities offered to you.
- Give a new orientation to your professional life: change jobs, start new studies, take a VAE approach (Validation of experience acquired), change branch or Create your own business…
- Develop your knowledge of the job market, training and your employability.
- Expand your professional network.
- Project yourself positively in your professional future, being the main actress of the process.
Public and modalities
The skills assessment does not require any prerequisites. It is open to all workers, the public sector or the private sector. You will benefit from the support of a specialized advisor Throughout your journey: it will be your privileged interlocutor for all your questions.
The prior maintenance will allow you to analyze your situation and identify the service that will suit you best. This information interview is free and without obligation. You can contact the School orientation advisor 5.3 If you are interested.
Support methods
The skills assessment course takes place entirely remotely: you will have access to the content platform on As soon as you register and you can carry out the support sessions with your videoconferencing advisor.
It will use personalized individual interview techniques, active and benevolent listening and the use of tools to assess skills, values and/or interest, know the job market, define and build your or your professional projects.
The material means at your disposal are adapted to distancing services with work supports by email, a document of documentary resources, Specific tools (tests, questionnaires, analysis supports, etc.).
Coating, duration and methods
The skills assessment course is carried out over a period of approximately 24 hours, spread over 3 months (at the rate of 16 hours of personal work on the platform and 8 individual meetings of one hour with your advisor. will adapt to your needs and availability.
It is good to note that the route can be carried out on or outside working time (in accordance with your employer).
A period of 10 days minimum is required between your request for information on the balance sheet and the start of the course, depending on obtaining funding and the organizational needs of support sessions.

The 3 phases of the skills assessment
The skills assessment takes place according to an alternation of individual interviews with your advisor and personal procedures on the course platform.
1. Preliminary phase
- Present the approach (progress and organization of the balance sheet, techniques, methods and tools used, principles of use of assessments of the balance sheet)
- Confirm your commitment to the process
- Analyze your course and your request concerning the skills assessment (circumstances, expectations and objectives)
Methods mobilized: semi-structured interview, commitment contract, shared diagnosis of the need, self-assessment questionnaires
2. Investigation phase
- Analyze your motivations, values, professional interests, but also personality traits and your behavior at work
- Identify your skills, knowledge, personal and professional skills
- Explore professional prospects compatible with your aspirations and skills and the labor market (exploration of jobs and job offers, documentation and professional surveys).
Methods mobilized: skills portfolio, self-assessment questionnaires, tests and questionnaires on professional interests, values, personality, guidance software, business survey guide, etc..
3. Conclusion phase
- Determine your professional projects and identify your strengths and areas for progression for each prospect
- Establish a specific action plan for the implementation of your projects (training, internal evolution, job research procedures, etc.)
- Make the summary of your skills assessment which will be given to you at the end of the course (30 to 40 pages).
Methods mobilized: semi-directive maintenance, summary document, etc.
Cost of the route
The course price is billed at Price of € 1499 (he is eligible for CPF including a compulsory financial participation of € 100). This price includes:
- 8 x 1 hour of individual support in Visio with a professional advisor in skills assessment,
- Unlimited access to the 70 activities offered on the platform (tests, tools, exercises, games, puzzles, etc.)
- A live group workshop, led by an expert, per week.
Skills assessment
- For private workers or job seekers: the service may be funded by the Personal training account (CPF), including a compulsory financial participation of € 100. Your employer can also include this funding in its skills development plan.
- For agents of the hospital public service: the results may be funded by theANFH.
- For agents of the state or territorial public service: your funding request will be made directly with your employer.
Evaluation procedures
A summary document is given to you at the end of the skills assessment. A certificate of presence testifies to the course of the service.
At the end of the route, two questionnaires make it possible to measure the involvement of goals as well as to assess the satisfaction of assessment beneficiaries.
A follow -up interview, carried out 6 months after the end of the skills assessment, makes it possible to take stock of the progress of the project and to adapt the action plan if necessary. A Post-Bilan follow-upwith a satisfaction questionnaire at 6 months, makes it possible to measure the progress of the actions necessary for the realization of your project, to assess your satisfaction and to bring you any observation, suggestion or note allowing to improve your procedures.
Disability accessibility
As a training organization and skills assessment center, theSchool 5.3 is happy to inform, welcome, support and train beneficiaries with disabilities.
The specific support of people with disabilities or faced with health problems is an integral part of our corporate mission. We have implemented an organizational and educational procedure to allow a maximum people with disabilities to benefit from our training courses and balance sheets: different developments can be envisaged according to the nature of the handicap concerned.
In order for supporting people to feel welcomed with the greatest benevolence and conviviality, we have made all our employees aware of the subject of disability, and trained our advisers on the various devices and the forms of disability.
To discuss your specific needs, contact us at the time of your registration: the Orientation advisor 5.3 (“disability” referent) is at your disposal.
Legal and regulatory framework of the skills assessment
The skills assessment is supervised by the following texts:
• Articles L. 6313-1, L. 6313-10, L. 6322-42 to L. 6322-51 and R. 6322-32 to R. 6322-63 of the Labor Code
• Law n ° 2018-771 of September 5, 2018 for the freedom to choose your professional future, labor code
• Decree n ° 2018-1330 of December 28, 2018 relating to training actions and skills assessments
• Decree of July 31, 2009 relating to the assessment assessment of state agents
• Decree n ° 2007-1845 of December 26, 2007 relating to vocational training throughout the life of agents of the territorial public service (FPT)
Confidentiality and ethics
Trained in work psychology and supporting professional development, your advisor will mobilize to carry out personalized support. She will bring you her methods, tools and experience to help you develop your professional project.
It follows you throughout the course: your commitment common to both and a climate of confidence will be the guarantors of the success of the process.
Your advisor respects the professional secrecythe principles of ethics and the confidentiality of the approach. It undertakes to use reliable and relevant methods and tools for the beneficiary, with professionalism, listening and neutrality.
For information, you will find here the Ethical charter of school 5.3 as well as the Engagement contract that each beneficiary of the assessment is invited to sign before starting their journey.