What are their nutritional advantages?
“Like other oil seeds, they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which protect against cardiovascular illnesses, and various minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc. ”, indicates Alexandra Retion, dietitian. Their strengths: “The presence of phytosterols, which help fight against the bad cholesterol, and especially their wealth in Vitamin E antioxidant, which protects cells from free radicals and strengthens the immune system ”. A serving of 30 g covers all of our daily needs for this vitamin.
In which dishes to put them?
In a “healthy” muesli, with oatmeal and cranberries; on a plate of raw vegetables, with a few crushed walnuts; in muffin batter, with blueberries; or in a bread dough, combined with other seeds (flax, sesame). They replace pine nuts in pesto, stuffed vegetables or a tomato tatin. And they can also germinate! Like all high fat seeds, which can go rancid, they should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place and eaten quickly.
Which ones to choose?
When the origin of the seeds is indicated, it is better to choose those from the European Union, where production is more regulated. Roasted sunflower seeds are tastier and “that doesn’t change their nutritional composition too much,” says the dietician. On the other hand, watch out for those that are salty. “They are to be consumed occasionally, the salt promotinghypertension, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, ”recalls the expert. And it is better to choose them organic, to avoid pesticides.
Read also:Before spring, boost your vitality with sprouted seeds
Are they more interesting than other seeds?
Apart from their vitamin E content, they do not stand out particularly. “Knowing that sunflower seeds are rich in omega-6, already very present in our diet, it will be in our best interest to combine them with seeds rich in omega-3, a much rarer essential fatty acid: walnuts, flax, chia or hemp », Advises Alexandra Retion.
Read also: Focus on chia seeds
More omega-3s and less omega-6s to lose weight
The Top Health selection
They slip everywhere (pie, muesli, salad) and can be lightly browned to enhance their taste.
Celnat, € 1.74 for 250 g. Organic stores.
At shoyou
Spiced up with Japanese soy sauce, they can be nibbled on as an aperitif, on their own or on guacamole toast.
Jean Hervé, € 3.19 for 180 g. Organic stores.
Special bread
A mixture of sunflower seeds, flax and sesame, to boost your homemade buns.
Moulin des Moines, € 3.40 for 250 g. Organic stores.
Flaxseed and sunflower oat bran breads
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