Many consider it to be the most important meal of the day. You shouldn’t skip breakfast.
Breakfast should occupy a very special place in the rhythm of the day. It is a moment of transition between night and day, sleep and wakefulness, dream and reality, which allows a gradual resumption of contact with the external environment. As a result, it occupies a very privileged place.
Although many studies have shown its importance on performance during the morning, its role is less known on the overall structure of the diet. Thus, if the breakfast is low in calories – which is often the fashion among those who go on a diet – there is overcompensation. This is especially true for girls. So, to lose weight, you have to start by eating well in the morning. We also noticed that those who ate small breakfasts had much more fat than the others…
So what should you eat to be safe from negative consequences on the overall nutritional balance of the day? First, in quantity, breakfast should represent at least 1/5th of what you will eat during the day. Let’s not forget that when we wake up, our body has been fasting for an average of 8 hours, and that while sleeping, the machine has continued to turn. It therefore needs fuel… In particular sugar, of which our brain is a big consumer. So in quality, if we want our breakfast to be complete, it must first consist of a drink, because we must rehydrate; then cereals to provide fuel. For cereals, we can just as well indulge in the cult of the baguette rather than all these products that advertising imposes on us. On the other hand, the croissant is not perfect, because it is often too fatty. Finally, to be complete, you must add a dairy product, the essential calcium intake.
And, if one of my favorite jokes is to say that to avoid the 11 o’clock fatigue, the best way is to get up at noon – which can be true on vacation – you should know that all nutritionists agree that a high-sugar breakfast increases scores on memory and learning tests.
So on your sandwiches… and bon appetit!