These are the predispositions of a person to develop more particularly certain diseases, but also his faculties of defense, which result in certain modes of physical and psychic reaction. “It is this concept that makes it possible to determine the drugs to which the patient will be sensitive, to adapt the dosage and to prevent the occurrence of pathologies related to his field”, explains Dr Chemouny. The doctor will act both on the symptoms, with crisis medication, and at the field level, with a background treatment, so that the patient becomes less sensitive to the usual causes of his disorders (pollen, cold, humidity, peak hormonal before menstruation, annoyances, etc.).
Dr. Jacques Boulet gives an example: “A young girl consulted me for more and more frequent attacks of herpes labialis. I prescribed him Rhus toxicodendron every evening until the lesion disappeared (and to have it permanently in his bag to take it again as soon as a new crisis is announced). As she was also very thin, prone toeczema, circulatory disorders and rules painful, I added a dose of Natrum muriaticum per week as a background treatment. After two months, when I saw her again, she had only had a very small alert. We then switched to one dose of Natrum muriaticum per month. And, so far, she hasn’t had a new crisis. »