The granules obtain a success as quickly as conventional drugs against common infections (bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, otitis …). “The first patients did not turn to thehomeopathy as a last resort, because allopathy had not provided them with answers, specifies Bernard Chemouny. They were therefore old chronic disorders which naturally required a little time before being relieved. This is how the false idea of slow medicine was born. »Patients can attest that it makes a headache, toothache, or cramp go away within minutes and lower the fever as quickly as Doliprane®. “Try Arnica on a bump, or Apis on an edema,” suggests Jacques Boulet, “and you will see that they regress as quickly as they appeared. “
Is it true that there are no side effects?
Indeed, if a child confuses them with candy and swallows a whole tube of granules left within his reach by mistake, no need to run to the emergency room, he risks absolutely nothing. It is because they are devoid of any danger that the granules easily become a self-medication reflex in the face of small daily hassles. Not to mention that they are also cheaper than other drugs. However, better to have at least one guide to thehomeopathy on hand, because it will however specify a few caveats. “Some drugs can have bothersome effects when misused,” confirms Dr Chemouny. Thus Hepar sulfur can worsen sinusitis, or Sulfur temporarily worsen asthma, especially in low dilution. “