Irritated eyes, which burn or swollen eyelids: conjunctivitis causes small disorders but which poison life. Focus on the symptoms and their homeotherapy.
• Irritated, inflamed, runny eye: Euphrasia 5CH
• Burning red eye, sensitive to bright light with dilated pupil: Belladonna 5CH
• Eye secreting a yellowish discharge: Hydrastis 5CH
• Eye secreting a non-irritating discharge: Pulsatilla 5 CH
• Eye secreting a viscous flow that generates crusts: Kalium Bichromicum 5CH
• Eye secreting a greenish discharge: Mercurius Solubilis 5CH
• Eye with small edema on the lid: Apis mellifica 9CH
• Small edema in the inner angle of the eye: Kalium Carbonicum 5CH
Dosage : 2 pellets three times a day
When to consult?
We consult the ophthalmologist after 2 days, if it is not better, because conjunctivitis can sometimes mask keratitis. This inflammation of the cornea, with or without ulcerations, can be caused by an infection (herpes virus, bacteria, fungus, etc.), trauma (exposure to strong radiation without sunglasses, arc welding, etc.), dry eye, ophthalmic shingles or allergic conditions. Untreated, it can cause serious and irreparable damage to the cornea.
“To treat allergic conjunctivitis, it is better to consult the homeopath who will prescribe a targeted treatment” insists Albert-Claude Quemoun, doctor of pharmacy. “In all cases Histaminum, but also the isotherapic of the allergen, that is to say the dilution of the substance which caused the allergic reaction.”
Read also :
Calm conjunctivitis with hydrosol
Conjunctivitis: do your own eye bath