Charlie Hebdo, the Paris attacks of November, and now Nice. In the aftermath of a July 14 bereaved by the attack on a truck in Nice on the Promenade des Anglais, anxieties linked to terrorism can resurface. The shock wave of November 13 is still vivid in the minds of part of the population. Far from allaying these fears, the media, monopolized by the attacks, could unintentionally lead to deleterious consequences for those directly or indirectly affected by this new tragedy.
The spectrum of post-traumatic stress
The dramatic news and the sad “trivialization” of the terrorist attacks which follow one another, in a helpless way, can have an impact on the mental health of some people, even those who have not been directly confronted with the horror. This could contribute to triggering in some people what psychologists call post-traumatic stress. American media such as CBS news were the first to sound the alarm on this risk after November 13 and the attacks in Paris which killed 130 people.
“Survivors, witnesses and first responders to such events often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS) – which involves the feeling of reliving the events in flashbacks or dreams; severe emotional upheaval or physical reactions to reminders of the event”, pointed out the newspaper, taken up by Courrier International. But viewers and listeners could also be affected by this SPT.
Nightmares, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, depression, irritability, anger, avoidance of others are some of the symptoms that characterize post-traumatic stress.
Bad for mental health, post-traumatic stress is also harmful for physical health. A study of theColumbia University in the United States established that it could increase the risk of having a stroke or the risk of diabetes.
To learn more about how a dramatic event can affect victims, a national post-attack public health survey was launched on July 7th. Until October 1, 2016, I’ESPA November 13will work to measure the psycho-traumatic impact of the attacks of November 13 and the care systems that have been proposed. An initiative that unfortunately turns out to be even more necessary today for better psychological care.
How to get out of post-traumatic stress?
If the frequency and intensity of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress differ from one person to another, it is important for people who suffer from it not to remain isolated and to be accompanied. PTS can indeed be treated by different means. This psychological disorder can be relieved over there sophrologyhypnosis or classic psychotherapy which will help the patient to reduce their stress, their anxieties and to regain self-confidence.
>>Also read: How to get out of post-traumatic stress?
Paris attacks: launch of a vast psychological investigation
Free treatment for the victims of the attacks
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