Extreme heat is hard on the body. In the event of a heatwave, there are a few tips to help you cool down a bit.
- In case of high heat, it is important to cool down with damp cloths or by directly moistening the skin.
- Fans are not the most effective solution for lowering body temperature.
- It is very important to stay in shaded areas, away from direct sunlight.
Temperatures are rising in France. These weather conditions can be difficult to bear, especially for the most fragile. In Tea ConversationAdam Taylor, professor of clinical anatomy, gives four tips for cooling down during a heatwave.
Heatwave: You should apply cold things to your skin
The first recommendation of this specialist is to moisten the skin, by applying cold water or a cold, damp object, such as a sponge or towel. He suggests applying them to the groin, armpits, neck, forehead, wrists and torso because these areas contain many blood vessels close to the surface.The cooled blood can then return to the major organs to lower the core temperature.”he says. This technique makes it easy to evacuate body heat, even for people with reduced mobility or the elderly.Those who can can take a cool shower or bathhe adds. Evidence suggests that water around 26°C or 27°C is optimal. This is cool enough to remove heat from the body, but not cold enough to trigger shivering, which will generate heat..” It is best to avoid using water that is too cold, as this could trigger cold shock.
Fans, solutions to reduce body temperature?
Adam Taylor adds that fans are not the most effective in hot weather. He cites a study that showed fans can improve the evaporation of sweat from the body, but not significantly enough to help reduce core body temperature.And this becomes even less true when the ambient temperature exceeds 33°C, or for the elderly and those with reduced sweating capacity.”he emphasizes.
What drink should you drink in hot weather?
To avoid dehydration, it is essential to drink enough water. However, the ideal temperature of liquids in the event of a heat wave has not been established. This researcher recommends drinking them chilled.Evidence from performance athletes training at temperatures of 28°C showed that liquids chilled to refrigerator temperature were more effective in lowering core temperature than ice or neutral temperature liquids at 37°C”he notes. As for hot drinks, contrary to myth, they would not be so relevant, because they risk making us eliminate water.
You should seek shade in case of heatwave
He reminds us that it is important to stay in a shaded area as much as possible. This will make all the measures mentioned above even more effective.If you try them in the sun, they will probably be less effective because the ambient air is warmer in the sun, which means there is less ability to dissipate heat or it happens more slowly.”he explains.