As part of a diet, it can be misleading to count the calories ingested because all are not equal.
- The body reacts differently to calories depending on the products consumed.
- Consuming fiber-rich foods allowed you to lose 116 more calories per day.
- The latter are digested more slowly and partially than ultra-processed products.
To lose pounds, many people turn to diets and count the number of calories consumed per day. But recently, researchers from the Translational Research Institute for Metabolism & Diabetes (USA) revealed that not all calories have the same value. To reach this conclusion, they carried out a study, the results of which were published in the journal NatureCommunications.
Fewer calories are absorbed with the high fiber diet
As part of this work, 17 healthy people had to follow two different diets for 22 days: a diet rich in fiber and a diet composed of ultra-processed foods. The first diet consisted of fruits, vegetables, brown rice, lentils, quinoa or oilseeds. In the second diet, there were deli meats, white bread, ground beef, biscuits or fruit juices. After these three weeks, the number of calories burned or present in the participants’ stools was examined.
According to the results, the body reacted differently to calories depending on the food consumed. With the high fiber diet, fewer calories are absorbed. The authors also showed that a diet favoring the intestinal microbiota led to an additional loss of 116 calories of faeces per day and therefore a reduction in metabolizable energy, without modifying food intake or energy expenditure. Changes in the gut microbiome have also been associated with changes in enteroendocrine hormones. Another observation: the volunteers who consumed foods rich in fiber also lost a little more weight and body fat.
Ultra-processed foods are digested quickly
The team pointed out that ultra-processed products are quickly digested, which leads to greater absorption of calories. As for foods rich in fiber, they are digested more slowly and partially. The authors thus recommend taking into account the quality of the foods consumed as part of a diet and favoring products rich in fiber and good for the intestinal microbiome for successful weight loss.