All physical activities burn calories. However, some are more “profitable” than others…
- Cardio activities like running, swimming and cycling burn more calories.
- Cycling and swimming have the advantage of preserving the joints.
- However, the expert points out that it is easier to stick to your exercise goals if physical activity is appreciated.
Physical activity is essential to staying healthy. And, all doctors will tell you: walking, dancing, gardening or doing crafts helps fight against the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle. However, if your goal is to lose weight, you will need to focus on activities that require significant effort.
“Your body burns what it needs to meet your energy needs”explains Ben Kuharik, physical therapist at the Cleveland Clinic. “It’s a simple formula, really: The more active you are and the harder you go, the more calories you’re going to burn.” The American expert has also drawn up a list of sports that really make you exercise and… melt away the pounds, with a domino effect. It is detailed on the site of its establishment.
Calories burned and weight loss: running, swimming and cycling are the winning trio
“If your goal is to burn as many calories as you can, cardio is usually the way to go”warns Ben Kuharik. So don’t hesitate to run, and preferably quickly. In fact, the higher the speed, the more calories the body needs to move forward. So, if a basic jog (less than 8 km/h) burns 476 calories per hour. The counter goes up to 1,088 when you run at 16 km/h.
Another advantage: running is a complete sport. “When you run, muscles throughout your body are used, whether to propel you forward or to stabilize you to keep you upright,” explains the expert. “This requires a large expenditure of energy, which is why caloric expenditure is increased.”
Two other sports are particularly interesting for people who want to lose weight: swimming and cycling. The first has the advantage of also using the entire body without wearing out the joints. It takes 476 calories burned per hour (CBPH) for swimming “casual” and 680 CBPH if it is “vigorous”.
Concerning the bike, you need 272 CBPH if you pedal at around 9 km/h and 816 CBPH if you reach 25/30 km/h.
“This is one of my favorite ways to do cardio.”confides Ben Kuharik. “Once you’re comfortable in the saddle, it’s easy to relax and burn calories without adding a lot of fatigue to your joints compared to other activities.”
Physical activity: choose sports that you enjoy
While running, swimming and cycling offer “immediate return”Ben Kuharik notes that two physical activities, less popular, are interesting for people looking to lose weight. Firstly, he recommends rowing which can burn up to 714 calories per hour. “Rowing is a great way to increase calorie burn while strengthening your back, arms and legs.”he explains. “Show me someone who is an avid rower and I will show you someone with excellent musculature.”
The expert then suggests a return to childhood: skipping rope. Energy expenditure is 544 CBPH at a slow rate and 816 CBPH at a fast rate. “The exercise can quickly transition into a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as you jump-jump-jump. If you’re short on time or want to finish your strength training session, the rope to skip will be one of your best options”assures the specialist.
If no activity appeals to you on this list… Don’t give up on your desire for sport. The main thing is to move, as Ben Kuharik reminds us. “Find and focus on what you enjoy. You’ll exercise more often if you look forward to it. Don’t just think about what brings you the most benefit when choosing an exercise.”