Studies follow and resemble each other to remind us of the benefits of daily physical activity and walking in particular. Indeed, to keep in shape and preserve your health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking 10,000 steps a day. A new study by researchers at Stanford University (USA) highlights the fact that the environment in which we walk has an impact on our mental well-being and the prevention of depression.
They compared the mood and assessed, using sensors, the breathing, heart rate and brain activity of several groups of participants.
The results of the study showed that people who walked 90 minutes in the countryside are more positive and less prone to ruminations than those who practiced this physical activity in an urban setting.
“More than 50% of the population lives in urban areas. In 2050, this proportion will be 70%. Urbanization is associated with increased levels of mental illness, but it is not yet known why. Through a controlled experiment, we investigated that nature experience could influence rumination (negative-focused repetitive thinking), a known risk factor for mental illness,” says Kevin Hahn from the University’s Department of Psychology. of Standford.
The benefits of physical activity are scientifically proven.
The regular practice of a sport reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 39%, the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 26%, the risk of suffering a stroke by 25% and 34% the risk of diabetes. Physical inactivity is today the 4th risk factor for mortality in the world after high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes.
Read also:
Infographic: 6 good reasons to start walking
For the line, it is better to live in a pedestrian area
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