To approach their transit problems calmly, all “constipated in France and Navarre” – to whom this book is dedicated – will now have an ideal vade-mecum.
Intended for the general public, this guide, designed in the form of an alphabet book, aims to present constipation of functional origin in an original way. It gives an overview of the concrete solutions to live better on a daily basis, and plays down this subject which is still a taboo… thanks to a quirky and humorous tone. A book to read (or not) in the toilets!
With this “Small summary of the happy constipated from A to Z”, HÉPAR dares to tackle constipation in all its states.
Contents of this alphabet book
From “Apopathodiaphulatophobia”, to “Drinking”, “Constipation”, “Exercise”, “Fiber”, “Pregnancy”, … up to “Zen”, you will have the entire panorama of constipation in 26 items: priority to nutritional information health, punctuated with practical advice, but also and above all room for humor, with an anthology of earthy quotes from Frédéric Dard or Milan Kundera!
In short, this guide gives all the keys to experience constipation without complex!
In short, this guide gives all the keys to experience constipation without complex!
Need menu ideas to take care of your little transit problems?
Consult the letter Q “QUINOA ET CIE”: a page with menu ideas for all times of the day!
Need to be reassured?
Go to letter D of DOCTORS to choose the right practitioner.
Need to laugh?
Go to the letter O and read aloud while walking the ODE of the happy constipated!
Need practical information before your vacation?
Go to the letter V of TRAVEL!
Le Petit Précis du Constipé Heureux from A to Z will be available from September. It will be available for consultation in doctors’ waiting rooms and will also be distributed at various scientific conferences on the Nestlé Waters stand to offer them to their patients. It will also be offered to consumers during various operations carried out by the brand.
Small Precise of the happy constipated from A to Z
Format: 14.5 x 14.5 cm
72 illustrated pages
Free guide downloadable from or from iBooks on the App Store
From September 2013