Launched in March 2017, the new formula of Levothyrox (a drug particularly indicated in cases of hypothyroidism) continues to be talked about. Marketed by the Merck laboratory, it is suspected of causing undesirable side effects: fatigue, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, joint and muscle pain, hair loss …
According to a report published by the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) in January 2018, the number of reports of adverse reactions attributed to the new formulation of Levothyrox was 17,310 as of November 30 – which corresponds to 0.75% of the 2.3 million patients treated.
New twist in the Levothyrox affair: this Friday, in a report published by the ANSM, the health authorities confirm “good quality of the new formula of Levothyrox”.
A quantity of active principle equivalent to the old formula
“The amount of levothyroxine [le principe actif du médicament, NdA] present is identical for the new formula and the old formula of Levothyrox and corresponds to that expected “explain the experts, who add:” The analyzes show the presence of traces of dextrothyroxine, of the order 0.1%, in the old formula and in the new formula of Levothyrox. “
“The presence in trace amounts of dextrothyroxine in these drugs is expected for this type of substance and does not in itself represent a quality defect or a risk to health”. Dextrothyroxine, a molecule similar to levothyroxine, is, according to some associations, ineffective and toxic.
For ANSM specialists, the debate seems to be closed: “The repeated information calling into question the quality of the new Levothyrox formula is therefore unfounded”. To be continued ?
Read also :
Levothyrox: a new complaint filed
Levothyrox case: the citric acid fault?
Levothyrox: actress Mylène Demongeot files a complaint