To the question “the wing or the thigh?”, The French tend to answer: “steak or fish fillet”! They are wrong. We explain why.
Consequence of the threat of avian flu then of the bad press of the farms in “battery”, it seems that the descendants of the good Henri IV no longer want to put the hen “in the pot” every Sunday. They are wrong, because our hexagonal chicken remains one of the benchmark meats in modern dietetics. 2006 will remain the black year of the chicken, which had already been abused a few years ago. With the threat of a global epidemic arousing intense media excitement, the craziest rumors circulated, and psychosis gaining ground, France began to doubt one of its favorite meats. Despite rather reassuring messages from the Ministry of Health, promotional campaigns well done by breeders, the drop in consumption of eggs and poultry was first significant, then stabilized.
But it is slow to regain its former level, because the damage has been done and the food security of the French is now at the heart of the debate. However, we must reaffirm that, in human history, the food risk is at its lowest level, and that it is rather the richness of what we put on our plate that is in question, a lot more than quality.
Reference protein
Because of qualities, the chicken does not lack. As long as you don’t eat the skin – which is as tasty, even when grilled, as it is rich in fat – it is one of the favorite foods of diets against weight gain. An excellent protein, much less fat than beef and pork. Almost as recommendable as fish because, like it, its fats are of good quality. Chicken breast with egg white are two benchmark proteins.
The Gauls placed themselves 2000 years ago under the sign of the rooster. So let’s continue to place ourselves under the banner of quality chicken. For this, a whole bunch of labels exist. Because if the doctor can guarantee a more or less constant dietetic quality for almost all chickens, it is not the same for organoleptic properties, a very learned word to speak of the taste of what we eat. And there, we must admit that the chicken raised on grain and in the open air does not have many competitors!