Researchers have managed to create new proteins with the help of artificial intelligence that neutralize the fatal toxins present in snake venom.
- Researchers have created new proteins that neutralize the fatal toxins present in snake venom, with the help of AI.
- Tested on mice, the antidote offered a survival rate of 80 to 100 %.
- The method of creating new proteins via AI could be used to develop drugs for other diseases.
Between 1.8 and 2.7 million people are bitten by a poisonous snake worldwide each year, according to WHO. These incidents cause approximately 100,000 deaths, and three times more permanent invalidities, including the loss of members.
Currently, to try to save the victims of these dangerous animals, doctors rely on antivenines derived from the plasma of the beast. However, this treatment is expensive and ineffective.
Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Washington and the Technical University of Denmark have developed a new method to combat snake venom. With the help of artificial intelligence, they have designed new proteins that bind to toxins of mortal cobras and neutralize them.
Snake venom: a survival rate between 80 and 100 %
For this study presented in the journal Nature On January 15, 2025, the researchers focused on a protein present in snake venom, called three fingers toxin (Three Finger toxin; TFT). The latter is often at the origin of the low success of current antivenines.
Scientists used AI to generate molecules capable of fighting deadly doses of three fingers toxins. The tests carried out on mice showed that the proteins, thus created, offered a survival rate of 80 % to 100 %, depending on the dose of injected venom and the formula of the molecule created.
The team specifies, however, that these new proteins, imagined using AI, will support traditional antivenines, and not to replace.
“New computer -designed antitoxins could initially become complements or fortifying agents that would improve the effectiveness of existing treatments until new generation autonomous therapies are approved”specify the authors in a press release.
Antivenin and IA: a safer and less expensive alternative
These antivenin proteins, designed with the help of new technologies, will simplify and improve the management of poisonous snake bites.
“I think that protein design will help make treatments against snake bites more accessible to people in developing countries. The antitoxins we have created are easy to detect using only IT methods. They are also inexpensive to Produce and robust during laboratory tests “underlines the main author of the study, Susana Vazquez.
In addition, this new method of creating protein could also be used in other medical areas such as the design of viral infections. “Beyond the treatment of snake bites, the design of proteins will help simplify the discovery of drugs, in particular in the environments to limited resources. By reducing the costs and resource needs for new powerful drugs, we make considerable progress towards a future where everyone can obtain the treatments they deserve “concludes the expert.