Sports is not age related. But if you have not exercised for a while, you should check whether it is safe to start again. To find out whether or not you should undergo a sports medical examination before you start exercising again, you can take this test.
- Have you been diagnosed with heart problems in the past?
- Do you feel chest pain with physical activity?
- When you are at rest, do you experience a fast, irregular or very slow heartbeat?
- Do you sometimes get dizzy, lose your balance or lose consciousness?
- Have you fallen more than twice in the past few years?
- Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by physical activity?
- Do you have pain in your legs or buttocks when you walk?
- Are you taking medication for high blood pressure or heart problems?
- Do you have cuts or wounds in your feet that won’t heal?
- Do you suffer from cardiovascular disease?
- Have you lost weight for no apparent reason in the past six months?
- Is there a reason why you shouldn’t exercise?
If the answer to all of the above questions is no, you can assume that you can safely participate in sporting activities.
Mitigating risk
To minimize your risk during exercise, get a doctor’s approval if you:
- have signs or symptoms of a disease;
- are recovering from a serious illness or surgery;
- have bone or joint problems that make certain movements difficult;
- has had very little exercise in the last 5 years;
- is very overweight;
- have high cholesterol;
- have breathing difficulties;
- has relatives who suddenly died at a young age from a heart condition;
- smokes.
see a doctor
You should stop exercising immediately and see a doctor if you:
- Experiencing chest pain.
- Can’t breathe properly.
- Having an irregular or too fast heartbeat.
- Feels other pain or discomfort.