Steve Jobs opinion on Apple products
There you have it. Even the most successful entrepreneurs can be wrong.
- Let’s start with the AirPods. In Paris during a press conference, Jobs was not very positive about these devices. He said: “The problem with Bluetooth headphones is that you have to charge not only your AirPod, but also your headphones. Nobody is waiting for that. Everyone hates it.” Perhaps that’s why it took another 11 years before the AirPods were launched under the leadership of Tim Cook. He solved the problem that Jobs described, because the AirPods are connected via bluetooth to your iPhone. They are charged in the storage case when you are not using them;
- Bigger iPhones. Smartphones have grown significantly in recent years. Jobs didn’t like it. The best format was the iPhone 4, he thought. It is 3.5 inches and so you could reach everything with your thumb. He also thought that the big smartphones would sell poorly. Nothing could be further from the truth!
- Conversely, he was not fond of smaller iPads. In 2010, the first iPad appeared and it became the most popular tablet in the world. Many variants also appeared. And therefore also a smaller version: the iPad Mini. This one could be more convenient in some cases. Jobs didn’t believe in it, saying, “If you want to put a small iPad to good use, you’ll need to peel off a quarter of your fingers with sandpaper.” The man was also quite funny.