How is apple cider vinegar obtained?
Apple cider vinegar is obtained from apple juice. Under the effect of fermentation, the sugar in the apple is transformed into alcohol. Then exposed to the air, under the action of bacteria, this alcohol degrades into acetic acid. “Apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins, essential acids, minerals such as potassium and magnesium, enzymes, but also iron, and has a good amount of pectin, a dietary fiber known to regulate transit, reduce cholesterol and increase satiety explains Julie Coignet, naturopath.
Its acidity level is lower than that of wine vinegar: 5% against 7%. Like the latter, it can be aged in oak barrels to develop its aromas.
How to choose your apple cider vinegar?
Cheap vinegars, packaged in plastic bottles, are to be banned: in the field of health, it is recommended to use vinegar of excellent quality.
We prefer THE cider vinegar organic to avoid the pesticide residueseven if apples for juice are less treated than those for the mouth (which receive an average of 35 treatments per year!), and above all to avoid the addition of sulphites, preservatives which can cause allergic reactions. “It’s also better to choose it unpasteurized, to have a ‘living’ product, with enzymes and good bacteria from fermentation”, completes our expert. Indeed, the pasteurization of apple cider vinegar will destroy all its beneficial properties for the body. There is therefore much more interest in consume unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

Cider vinegar
What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?
Due to this unique synergy, it has many properties. “Antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal, cider vinegar helps fight bacterial infections, especially in the intestines. It stimulates digestion, lists the naturopath. It suppresses the appetite and also helps regulate blood sugar.
Contrary to what its acidity suggests, vinegar is not acidic. “Apple cider vinegar has alkaline properties. Also, according to the profiles, it can contribute to the good acid-base balance. Remineralizing, it promotes the assimilation of minerals, including calcium, thus contributing to the solidity of the bones, while its high content of magnesium and potassium will relieve aches. continues the specialist.
Its unique cocktail of nutrients also makes it a good tonic in case of fatigue. Externally:
- it purifies acne-prone skin;
- soothes itching.
Using apple cider vinegar on your hair will add shine.
Relieve your osteoarthritis with cider vinegar maybe a solution. Nevertheless, it is not advisable to drink it in the long term. So it can’t be a permanent solution.
But that’s not all ! In effect, mitigate the stress with cider vinegar is also possible! To feel relaxed, we advise you to take a bath by adding 2 glasses of cider vinegar.
What are the disadvantages of apple cider vinegar?
If it is possible to note several advantages of apple cider vinegar, it is nevertheless necessary to pay attention to certain disadvantages. There is in particular several contraindications to its consumption.
Apple cider vinegar can be dangerous for some people.“VSIn some people with type 1 diabetes, for example, it can delay stomach emptying and cause bloating or heartburn. Also beware of drug interactions, especially with certain diuretics or diabetes medications. Overconsumed, it can have the effect reverse and demineralize or burn the esophagus” warns Julie Coignet. Ditto externally: no excessive use, at the risk of burning the skin. Vinegar is also strongly discouraged, or even prohibited, for people suffering from gastritis or a gastric ulcer. If in doubt, ask your doctor.
How to best use it?
drink apple cider vinegar young lets stimulate your digestive system. This also allows a better absorption of nutrients of breakfast. We avoid drinking it as it is, and it is therefore diluted in a large glass of water.Otherwise, over time, it can lead to irritation of the digestive tract.
For mouthwashes, dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water, because it remains an acidic product that can damage tooth enamel!
Take some apple cider vinegar in the evening with hot water maybe another habit to get into. Indeed, doing this has the main advantage of making decrease blood sugar levels. However, be careful not to exceed 1 month of treatment.
Best to use it in the kitchen. “I prepare a vinaigrette that is very popular, based on:
- oil;
- cider vinegar;
- old-fashioned mustard;
- turmeric;
- and crushed flax seeds says Florian Kaplar.
Another lesser-known use: it helps to make pasta rise. “Instead of using baking powder, I put a little baking soda and apple cider vinegar. In bread too, it activates the leaven and gives a soft crumb.”
Did you know ? Can you get rid of midges with cider vinegar. Yes, the benefits are not just for your body! To do this :
- pour a little cider vinegar into a cup;
- mix it with dishwashing liquid;
- put the cup where the gnats are.
The vinegar will attract them, and the washing-up liquid will hold them captive.
Read also :
- Vinegar: 5 DIY beauty recipes
- Lavender toilet vinegar
Is apple cider vinegar an anti-inflammatory?
Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it on your bruises to reduce the intensity of their coloring. For this, you can soak a compress in apple cider vinegar, and apply it to your wound.

Cider vinegar
Is apple cider vinegar good for the heart?
THE apple cider vinegar is not harmful to the heart. On the contrary, it would allow reduce the risk of heart disease. For what ? Simply because it wouldlower cholesterol. An excess of bad cholesterol prevents good blood circulation, since it is deposited on the walls of the arteries.
Does apple cider vinegar make you lose weight?
Apple cider vinegar has many benefits. It will be able to help you in your weight loss. Indeed, it will:
- play a role in digestionby stimulating it;
- have a appetite suppressant effect : it can therefore help you to reduce the quantities of food that you ingest, but also to limit nibbling. The explanation is as follows: the consumption of cider vinegar makes it possible to limit blood sugar levels. By reducing blood sugar spikes, you will have less desire to snack on sugary or ultra-processed foods;
- accelerate fat burning thanks to its acetic acid.
However, keep in mind that apple cider vinegar alone will not make you lose weight. It is important to combine its consumption with a balanced diet, as well as regular sports activity.

Cider vinegar