Sporting activity is good for health, but also seems to be profitable for societies and social security. It would indeed increase the productivity of employees and reduce the number of sick leave.
This study was carried out thanks to the conclusions of 150 scientific studies and findings revealed on a sample of 200 companies. She claims that sports workers earn between 6% and 9% in productivity. Physical activity would allow them to be more motivated and more serene. If the majority of employees engaged in regular physical activity, this could increase the company’s net profitability by up to 14%.
This study also reveals that sports workers are less often on sick leave and that the gain for health insurance would amount to more than € 300 per year. “Companies must, through their own actions or adaptations of the schedule, orient their employees more towards sport” conclude the Medef and the CNOSF which confirm the recommendations of the WHO.
Sedentary lifestyle is harmful to health
To keep fit and maintain health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking 10,000 steps per day. The benefits of physical activity are indeed scientifically proven. Playing a sport on a regular basis reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 39%, the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 26%, the risk of having a stroke by 25% and the risk of diabetes is 34%. Sedentary lifestyle is today the 4th risk factor for mortality in the world after high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes.
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