May 13, 2016.
Prevent air from circulating between the palate and the uvula
It will soon be enough toa simple patch to enjoy a calm night without sleep apnea or snoring. In any case, this is the goal set by a team of American scientists who are currently leading a clinical study on 30 patients in the United States.
It’s the Daily Mail which brings back this innovation, which would divide by three the number and intensity of snoring. The British daily indicates that this patch, placed on the mouth before sleeping, would simply force people with sleep apnea to breathe through their nose, thus preventing air from circulating between the soft tissues of the palate and the uvula, causing them to vibrate during its passage.
Nearly 20 million people affected by snoring in France
This patch, called Varnum, will have to prove its efficacy and harmlessness before being marketed. However, specialists did not wait until the end of the clinical trial to praise the merits of this invention. ” It is a simple, inexpensive and easy to use system », Declared Professor Jaydip Ray, a British ENT specialist.
Snoring today affects between 10 and 20 million French people. In 60% of cases, in people aged 30 to 50 years, snorers are men. 70% of them are also overweight. Apart from this main cause, it seems that tobacco and alcohol also cause more snoring.
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