Sleeping more to make more love could be the new recommendation of sex therapists. Women’s libido would vary depending on how much they sleep. Nights that are too short would affect their sexual desire, but just one more hour of sleep could revitalize it.
Researchers at the University of Michigan (United States) carried out a study on 171 women. During 14 days and night, the volunteers revealed their sex life and reported on the quantity and quality of their sleep.
The results of the study show that sleeping an hour longer would increase the chances of having sex the next day by 14%. In addition, well-rested women have better lubrication and faster vaginal arousal.
“These results indicate that insufficient sleep duration can reduce the sexual desire and the excitement of women. I think the key message is not that the more you sleep the better, but rather that it is important to get as much sleep as you need for your body and mind, ”says Dr. David Kalmbach, Doctor of Psychology and lead author of the study.
“The sexual desire is dependent on other variables, such as mood, partner behavior and the quality of the relationship. You should not rely solely on a good night’s sleep to boost your libido, ”remind the study’s authors. “Even though it’s important to give our body the sleep it deserves”.
Because lack of sleep does not only harm our libido, it destroys our cells and increases the risk of getting sick, according to the results of a study published in the scientific journal Sleep. And it is those of the liver, lung and small intestine that are affected. But to limit cell damage, two days of recovery would be enough.
Sleep disorders, a public health problem
Sleep disorders today affect 20% of the population of industrialized countries. They are responsible for a large number of health disorders. Indeed, sleep deficiency can be responsible for car accidents, metabolic disorders and heart problems. In addition, people who lack sleep have a higher risk of developing chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity and cancer. They also experience increased early mortality.
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