The Americans say they have heartache … the French that they are suffering from a liver attack and the English that they have their stomachs upside down. Even if the latter are the closest to the truth, doctors speak more of indigestion. An affair that has nothing to do with the heart but rather concerns the whole mechanism of digestion. When everything is bad, we like to find a culprit. So in France it is the liver that takes over. But, in fact, the story begins as soon as food enters the stomach.
It is true that this is a chain of complex phenomena. The stomach is a central conditioning unit, where a first sorting takes place. The burning sensation is due to an overload of this plant.
Food then enters the small intestine to undergo a real bombardment of chemicals secreted first by the pancreas and then, especially for the digestion of fat by the liver. This is the role of the bile which is stored in the gallbladder. Hence the bad reputation the liver has, this wastewater treatment plant essential to our survival.
Because, the one that the doctors nickname the “prince of the organism” is able to withstand the worst torments. Schematically, we can say that the liver destroyed at 80%, continues to provide almost all of its work. But, 81% sick, the whole body dies. This shadow worker has another amazing property: he is able to regenerate himself. Transplant 1/2 liver. A few months later it is on a whole liver that we can count. I told you, a real prince of the organism.
Who says “factory” first means treatment of waste and, in particular, toxics. This is why in the event of drug or food poisoning, it is first of all the liver which “clinks”. And, speaking of toasting, his main enemy is alcohol. The liver is also a high place of storage … of essential elements such as sugar, iron or mineral salts and of the production of products such as cholesterol. Storage in the liver … it is in the extreme what is called, in the duck or the goose, the fatty liver which is nothing other than a species of cirrhosis caused artificially in the animal by force-feeding.