Troubled breathing, compression in the chest, difficulty sleeping or evacuating the events of the day… Your stress is ruining your life and taking up too much energy. But did you know, you can turn your stress into a positivebecause it can also have virtues.
Indeed, if most of the time stress is perceived as negative, it is necessary to distinguish positive stress from negative stress. Positive stress will act as a stimulus: faced with something unknown, the body will create pressure that elevates our abilities. But when it gets too intense, stress can stifle these abilities.
When it sets in for a long time, stress can also have an impact on our body with many physical symptoms: digestive problems, sleep disorders, headaches, dizziness, fatigue or even panic attacks.
Learn to modulate your stress
The first thing to do to act on your stress is to take it into account and assess its level on a scale of 1 to 10. Then remember a time in your life when you felt perfectly relaxed and by closing your eyes try to find the feelings of this moment, the images, the perceptions… Then come back to the present and estimate your stress level again . It should be slightly lower.
With self-hypnosis, you can also learn to modulate your stress, by training yourself to bring it up (to better become aware of it and feel its effects on your body) and then to bring it down. By repeating these steps several times, you will quickly take control of your stress.
Explore your brain’s abilities with self-hypnosis, Kevin Finel, April 12, 2022, ed. Leduc, available for sale on And
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- Self-hypnosis: how to evacuate a negative feeling?
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