Despite the end of reimbursement of pills by Social Security since last January, 85% of French people say they are ready to pay more for homeopathic treatment.
- The reimbursement rate for homeopathy fell from 30% to 15% in 2020, then to 0% on January 1, 2021.
- Homeopathy is a controversial concept developed at the end of the 18th century. It is based on the principle that what triggers a disease can also help to treat and prevent it.
According to a survey* of National Syndicate of French Homeopathic Physicians, the motivation of patients to continue to be treated by homeopathy is great despite the delisting. Nevertheless, a minority of them are affected by the renunciation of care for financial reasons.
Stability in the number of consultations
Since the delisting of homeopathic pills, 65% of homeopathic physicians questioned have observed a stability in the number of their consultations per week. However, 56% of respondents also say they have changed their prescription habits in recent months for the sake of financial impact for their patients.
Indeed, 85% of patients say they are ready to pay more and will continue to be treated by homeopathy, but they are nevertheless 15% to declare that the cost of homeopathic medicines is now prohibitive.
A scientific and political debate
“In general, if the price, as well as the nature of the drugs are the main criteria for choosing an individualized medical treatment, other expectations emerge: the patients questioned also wish to be able to count on the expertise of their homeopathic doctor in preventive medicine and are worried about the gradual disappearance of homeopathic doctors”, comment the pollsters. Moreover, 57% of French people questioned contact their homeopathic doctor concerning the existing benefits of mutual health insurance for the management of homeopathy.
In 2019, after a long scientific and political debate, the former Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn followed the recommendations of the HAS by gradually dereimbursing homeopathy.
* carried out with 635 homeopathic doctors.
Find below the program Questions aux Experts on the theme: “Homeopathy, a controversial therapy”: