Before hitting the road vacationremember to prepare your first aid kit. Don’t settle for swimsuits and sunscreen! Anticipating the vagaries and sores of summer is essential to spend a peaceful holiday.
Homeopathy fits perfectly in your first aid kit. Inexpensive, not sensitive to heat and practical to carry, it will be of great benefit to you. help in case of small inconvenience such as sunburn, insect bites or motion sickness.
” Homeopathy can be very helpful in addressing common mild ailmentsshares with us the Dr Fréderic Rérolle, homeopathic physician. However, it does not dispense with being vigilant and knowing how to consult a doctor early enough. It goes without saying that repetitive or abnormally prolonged disturbances indicate a ground to be balanced. It is therefore important to consult a doctor “.
For Top Healththe specialist shares the indispensable to take away journey depending on the symptoms and problems encountered.
What to take after a sunburn?
It goes without saying that homeopathy does not replace sunscreen, after-sun milk or Biafine in the event of a burn. However, if the skin is pink, swollen and hot, homeopathy can be a complement and relieve you. If these pains are improved by cold applications, take APIS MELLIFICA 9CH. If the skin is bright red, burning with feverish sensation, CANTHARIS 9CH will be a good alternative. CANTHARIS 9CH is indicated for burns with bubbles or blisters.
What is indicated after sunstroke
” After one sunstrokethink well rehydrate “recalls the homeopath. In parallel, BELLADONNA 9CH is indicated in case of sudden fever, redness of the face, headache with throbbing, shiny eyes and dilated pupils, body clammy or sweating, thirst. ACONITUM 9CH will relieve you in case of sudden fever, feeling of cold, agitation and anxiety, absence of sweat. Privilege GLONOINUM 9CH to relieve sunstroke with violent headaches.
Homeopathy can help you with allergies
In case of’sun allergy, APIS MELIFICA 9CH is indicated (urticaria with pink, hot edema, better by cold). Take MURIATICUM ACIDUM 5CH in prevention for lucite and URTICA URENS 9CH in case of urticaria with pale rash, violent pruritus, with sensation of needles and constant need to scratch.
Provide yourself withEUPHRASIA 5CH if you are subject to conjunctivitis with red eyes and irritating tears.
Homeopathic advice for insect bites
LEDUM PALUSTRE 5CH is useful as preventive And curative against the mosquito bites and dermatitis jellyfish. APIS MEL 5CH is recommended after stings of bees, wasps… with pink, hot edema, improved by cold. HEPAR SULFUR 7CH is indicated in case of abscess (panaris, infected bite). Take LACHESIS 5CH in case of venomous bites that are painful to the touch (purple color).
What to take after a trauma
Anticipate them accidents, blows and trauma. Take ARNICA 9CH for hematomas, blows, contusions or sports overwork with body aches and exhaustion. LEDUM PALUSTRE 5CH will be useful for punctiform wounds (puncture of nails, needles) and trauma around the eye (black eye). RHUS TOXICODENDRON 5CH is indicated for sprains, aches after sports, muscle-tendon strains and if the pain is aggravated at rest and improved after gentle movements.
Food poisoning or motion sickness: homeopathy can also be valuable
ARSENICUM ALBUM 9CH is recommended by the doctor to relieve the food poisoning with foul, burning diarrhoea, vomiting. This treatment is suitable if you are ill following the consumption of spoiled food or ice cream. VERATRUM ALBUM 9CH is indicated in case of Cholera or Tourista with violent diarrhea sweating weakness, cold sweats. Privilege NUX VOMICA 7CH in case of hangover (alcohol abuse) or indigestion.
Whether it’s the motion sickness or seasickness, PETROLEUM 9CH is indicated if you experience nausea and/or vomiting aggravated by the cold and accompanied by a feeling of permanent hunger. TOBACCO 9CH will help you in case of nausea and / or vomiting improved by closing the eyes, with cold sweats, need to spit and often accompanied by headaches. COCCULUS 9CH is recommended if you suffer from nausea and/or vomiting that is better when you close your eyes, worse when cold and better when lying warm. THERIDION 9CH is the right treatment in case of nausea aggravated by closing the eyes.
You are sensitive to jet lag ? Take COCCULUS 9CH (3 pellets) the day before the trip, then on departure and arrival, on the way there and on the way back.