Can otitis be cured without antibiotics?
Currently, health authorities recommend against treating childhood acute otitis media with antibiotics for the first 72 hours. They are not useful at this stage because they do not affect the pain or the fever. In addition, they do not change anything at the risk of complications and do not prevent recurrence. In fgeneral, otitis heals on its own in five or six days, without sequelae. Normally, the doctor just needs to monitor the ear for three days, to check that there are no complications.
Why is the doctor prescribing it?
Antibiotics are given after three days if fever and pain persist or if there is a purulent discharge, to prevent the infection from spreading. Mainly in children between 6 months and 2 years old, for whom the risk of complications is greater. Beyond 2 years, antibiotics are less necessary and never systematic.
How to relieve the child?
To calm the pain and fever, paracetamol is given, or even anti-inflammatory drugs if paracetamol is not enough and the child is over 6 months old. Never ear drops, because they are contraindicated in the event of a perforated eardrum and increase antibiotic resistance. If the child is less than 6 months old and the otitis persists beyond three days, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician or an ENT specialist. Follow-up should be more stringent, because the earlier a child has ear infections, the higher the risk of recurrence and complications.