The Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Marisol Touraine, defended this measure of the Health Bill as “a close response among others for women who wish to have an abortion”. The Senate having approved this article following the National Assembly, from now on the midwives will be able to carry out medical voluntary interruptions of pregnancy (abortion).
Medicated abortion is performed until the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, i.e. a maximum of 7 weeks after the start of the last period. In a health establishment, this period can be extended up to 7 weeks of pregnancy (i.e. 9 weeks after the start of the last period). Until now it was carried out either in a health establishment, or in the town office of the gynecologist, or in a planning center.
Medicated abortion: how does it work
The medical abortion method consists of taking two different drugs, then checking that the pregnancy is terminated during a check-up. The first drug interrupts pregnancy by blocking the action of the hormone necessary for its maintenance, promotes contractions of the uterus and the opening of the cervix. It is taken in the presence of the doctor (or now in the presence of the midwife) during a consultation.
The second can be taken in consultation or at the patient’s home. This increases contractions and causes the egg to expel.
This method therefore does not require anesthesia or surgery.
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IVG: what techniques are possible?
What results 40 years after the Veil law
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