Nurses, pharmacies, doctors, screening centers… The places to be tested for Covid-19 continue to evolve to meet the high demand since the appearance of the Omicron variant. Who are the new professionals authorized to screen? The government just issued an order who compiles the list.
“In view of the very lively circulation of the epidemicin order to be able to meet the very high demand for individual screening tests, it is necessary to mobilize additional effectors to carry out the nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, salivary or nasal sampling of the SARS-CoV-2 detection examination”, explains the government in a decree published on January 20. Here is the list of all the professions that will now be able to screen you:
Podiatrists, speech therapists, opticians…
In addition to childcare auxiliaries and paramedics who were already authorized there, the following professions are added: speech therapists, chiropodists, orthoptists, medical physicists, occupational therapists, psychomotor therapists, audioprosthetists, dieticiansopticians-eyewear, orthoprosthetists, pedorthists, ocularists, epithetists, orthopedic-orthotists, and dental assistants.
In addition to this list, the text mentions the possibility for “veterinarians practicing under the conditions mentioned in article L. 241-1 of the rural and maritime fishing code and veterinary public health inspectors holding a diploma, certificate or title allowing the exercise in France of veterinary activities “to carry out anti-Covid tests. However, it was not specified what type of test each profession would carry out.
Source : LegiFrance, January 21, 2022.
Read also:
- Covid self-test: how to do it (well)?
- Covid-19: the new isolation rules if you are in contact or positive
- I am a contact case: can I receive my 3rd dose of anti-Covid-19 vaccine?