According to a study by Public Health France, for the first time since October 2020, a significant decrease in depressive states has been observed.
This is reassuring news, since a slight improvement in the mental health of the French was reported in mid-May and the deconfinement in mid-May must be one of the main reasons. The country’s health crisis, repeated confinements, loss of reference, teleworking, fear of the future have generated states of stress or even depression among the French. According to figures from Public Health France, at the end of April, 22% of French people declared a state of depression. Now they are not “more … than“19% at the end of May.
80% of people surveyed say they are satisfied with their life now
In their study, Santé Publique France reports that 80% of French people currently feel satisfied with their lives. A notable evolution of 13 points more compared to the first confinement, but 5 points less compared to the level outside the epidemic. For the first time since this fall, the percentage of people suffering from depression is also in sharp decline (19% today against 22% in the previous study in April). Add to this that 64% mentioned sleep problems in the last eight days (+14 points). However, the Covid-19 is responsible for several psychological and psychological ailments, since this percentage was 9 points lower before the pandemic.
Different factors to be associated with more degraded mental health
“Anger, fear, worry for one’s health, or even feelings of loneliness, isolation, helplessness and depression are associated with more degraded mental health, regardless of socio-demographic characteristics and living conditions. life“, Indicates Public Health France. Different factors must be taken into account, for example for anxiety states: worry about health, anger, depression and a feeling of helplessness. For suicidal thoughts: isolation and a feeling of loneliness.
Women and precarious people in the sights
“The segments of the population in greatest difficulty are in particular women, young people (18-24 years old, students), people in precarious situations (employment, housing, finances), people with a history of psychological disorder and those with had symptoms of COVID-19“, Conclude the authors of the study. Public Health France reminds that in the presence of signs of depression (sadness, loss of interest, energy) or anxiety (tension, irritability) it is necessary to find out about the aids and solutions available.
The number: 0 800 130 000 is a toll-free number (free from a landline), it is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This dedicated platform can direct you to a professional if you need help.