Anne is 50 years old and suffers from fibromyalgia since 1993, but her illness was not diagnosed until 2006. Conventional medicine gave her no relief. She was taking anti-inflammatory on anti-inflammatory drugs, without any results. She discovered magnetotherapy through a friend.
Anne has been using the magnetotherapy, this natural method, without contraindications and without side effects, and it comes back to life. Thanks to the magnets, her painful pains gradually calmed down. Some of them even disappear for a long time. And she can’t do without it.
Used to treat chronic pain or sports trauma, magnetic fields contribute to relieve symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. “It seems that they have an interest from 10,000 gauss”, confirms Dr Jean-Luc Renevier, rheumatologist, functional rehabilitation doctor at Meulan hospital (Les Mureaux).
There are two main categories of therapeutic magnets: permanent magnets, whose electromagnetic field is stable, and pulsed magnets, whose magnetic field varies and which must be connected to an electrical source and under medical supervision. The former are available over the counter and have the advantage of being able to be taken to your home.
“It takes between 2 to 10 days to get an effect,” says Monique Vial, a naturopath who created a 100% French brand ( This time is of course only indicative. Be careful, not all magnets on the market are created equal and there are contraindications (pregnant women, people with a pacemaker, in particular).