In the morning when we don’t have time to breakfast, many of us fall back on a large store to buy a drink and a pastry shop. But according to a team of Australian researchers, these “industrial breakfasts” are both too fatty and too sweet.
The study was conducted by scientists from the Cancer Council (Australia). They tested 564 products from fast food brands around the world. Result: 54% of the cold drinks tested (smoothed coffees, ice tea, etc.) contained more than half of the recommended daily dose of sugar and saturated fats. The same goes for the pastries. Thus, a breakfast eaten “on the go” (consisting of a drink and a cake) contains all of the recommended daily intakes of carbohydrates and lipids !
Remember that in France, 15% of adults are overweight or obese *. Also, it is important to eat a balanced breakfast before going to the office. The ideal meal? A source of protein for energy (ham, eggs …), fiber so as not to be hungry before noon (wholemeal bread, whole grains), a fruit for vitamins (in the form of a juice, for example ) and a drink for hydration (tea or coffee). And possibly, a little sweetness, for gluttony!
* source: 6th edition of the three-year ObEpi-Roche study in collaboration with Inserm.
Infographic: the harmful effects of sugar on health.