Walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds… Although oily, oleaginous fruits are good for your health. Thus, according to several scientific studies, they help protect the cardiovascular system, prevent us from snacking between meals, help us have beautiful skin, and even promote quality sleep.
According to a new study carried out by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (in Spain), oleaginous fruits have another, less obvious advantage: they protect us against depression.
To reach this conclusion, the Spanish researchers studied medical data from a total of 13,500 people living in the UK, men and women aged 37 to 73. The volunteers were asked to complete questionnaires concerning their eating habits: they were then followed for 5 years.
Please note: walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds must not be salted!
During the observation period, 8% of participants were diagnosed with depression. Scientists note, however, that this disease was less common in people who regularly consumed oily fruits. Provided you eat about 30 g per day, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and other pistachios reduced the risk of depression by 17%.
For Spanish researchers, this astonishing benefit is easily explained: “oilseeds are made up of good fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: these are expressed in particular in the brain“.
Very concretely, 30 g of oleaginous fruits correspond to 20 almonds, 10 Brazil nuts, 15 cashew nuts, 40 peanuts or 30 pistachios. Warning: it is imperative to choose unsalted oilseeds to take advantage of their benefits on morale!
Source : Clinical Nutrition