A investigation from 2023 Toluna Harris Interactive recently published by Fish, Shellfish and Crustacean Collective, revealed that 87% of French people like seafood and that 79% of them like to cook them. This collective publishes every two years a survey on the consumption of aquatic products by the French.
The investigation reveals, however, that they are few follow recommendations nutritional recommendations that recommend consuming it twice a week. They are also few in number who know how to distinguish fatty fish from lean fish. What’s the difference? And above all, which one should be preferred? Top Health take stock with Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist.
Fish: it is recommended to eat it twice a week
Fish should be eaten in a balanced diet because it brings you proteins of quality, of iron and for some of Omega 3. The National Health Nutrition Program (PNS) recommends consuming it twice a week, including at least one oily fish.
If our health authorities recommend that we consume at least one oily fish per week, it’s for their omega-3 content. ” THE Omega 3 are so-called essential fatty acids because the human body does not know how to synthesize them: they must therefore be provided by food. They are necessary for the development and proper functioning of our body. They participate in good cardiovascular health, the retina, the brain and the nervous system. “, indicates the PNS.
Oily fish include mackerel, sardines, herring, or even salmon. Lean fish, on the other hand, are lower in fat. On the other hand, they are a very good source of protein and iron. Very low in calories, they include sole, hake, haddock, plaice, cod, monkfish, whiting or even pike.
Fatty and lean fish are essential for our body
” The difference between fatty and lean fish lies in the fatty acid content. As the name suggests, oily fish, are oily, so they have a fat content of around 10-13g (depending on whether it’s farmed or wild), supports Raphaël Gruman. White or lean fish contains less than 1 g of fat. However, the fats of oily fish are essential to the body, they provide in particular the EPA and DHA essential for the proper functioning of the brain, the joints, the skin, act in prevention on our cardiovascular system… “.
Just because you need to lose weight doesn’t mean you have to cut out fatty fish. Omega-3s not only have a function antioxidantbut are also particularly satiating. Oily fish will therefore be very useful in preventing cravings for snacking! Lean fish remain less caloric, so the ideal is to vary both.
According to our specialist, there is therefore no choice to make: fatty fish and lean fish are essential to our body.
” This is why it is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week. Personally, I advise my patients to eat 3 times of it, with at least 1 time of fatty fish (ideally 2 times), varying the types of fatty fish: large fatty fish and small fatty fish (which contain less heavy metals) », adds our nutritionist.
Source: 2023 survey Toluna Harris Interactive “The French and aquatic products“
Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist