Sources of protein, iron, minerals and omega-3s, the fish has its place in a balanced diet. The National Health Nutrition Program (PNS) recommends consuming it twice a weekincluding at least one oily fish.
The good news is that the French regularly include fish on their plate. According to one investigation Toluna Harris Interactive recently published by Fish, Shellfish and Crustacean Collective, 87% of French people like seafood and they are 79% like to cook them. This collective publishes every two years a survey on the consumption of aquatic products by the French.
Despite everything, few of them follow the nutritional recommendations and consume it twice a week. They are also few in number. know how to distinguish fatty fish from lean fish. Top Health takes stock and offers you 6 recipe ideas to taste the fish more often!
Lean fish or fatty fish: which is better?
If our health authorities recommend that we consume at least one oily fish per weekit is for their content of Omega 3. ” THE Omega 3 are so-called essential fatty acids because the human body does not know how to synthesize them: they must therefore be provided by food. They are necessary for the development and proper functioning of our body. They participate in good cardiovascular health, the retina, the brain and the nervous system. “, indicates the PNS.
Fatty fish are among the richest foods in omega-3s (along with nuts and vegetable oils). We find in particular mackerel, sardines, herring, or even salmon.
Fatty fish are slightly more caloric than those called lean fishdue to their content of lipids. However, there is no question of circumventing them even in the case of a slimming diet. Omega-3s are good fats that not only contribute to the chronic disease prevention but also to the feeling of satiety.
Lean fish, on the other hand, are lower in fat. They are, however, a very good source of proteins and of iron. Very low calorie, they are thus the allies of your line. We find sole, hake, haddock, plaice, cod, monkfish, whiting or even pike. Conclusion, there is no better choice between fatty fish and lean fish. The ideal is to vary!
Fish: 6 rules for eating it well
If the French say they give a place to fish in their diet, the survey nevertheless reveals some pitfalls in their habits. Most do not consume enough and above all do not vary enough species. A few rules to follow to consume it well:
-Eat fish twice a week, including a fatty fish.
– Vary so as not to always consume the same species.
-Favor fish caught or raised on our coasts
-Limit large predatory fish that can accumulate more pollutants.
– Prefer labeled farmed fish (AB, Label Rouge).
– Favor healthy cooking methods without adding fat such as plancha, wok, barbecue or steam cooking.
Follow our 6 fish recipes to vary between fatty and lean species and treat yourself while filling up with good nutrients!
Source :
Survey 2023 Toluna Harris Interactive “The French and aquatic products“