5 tips to get through the day
A good night’s sleep is of course very important. For your health, but also for daily functioning. However, it sometimes happens that you do not sleep very well for one or more nights. And then? These tips will get you through the day.
1. Caffeine, in moderation!
If you need an energy boost, caffeine can certainly help, but don’t overdo it. With two cups coffee you will achieve approximately maximum alertness. There is no point in drinking too much.
The same goes for nutritional supplements and energy drinks. When used in the right way and in moderation, they can really help. However, coffee and tea a healthier choice. And if you want to be sure of a good night’s sleep after a short or restless night: stay away from the caffeine after 4 pm.
2. Avoid sugar
If you are tired, you may be more likely to reach for sweets, biscuits or chocolate. Don’t try to do that. Sugar gives you a boost, but it’s short-lived. There is even a good chance that you will end up in an energy dip afterwards.
It is better to eat a varied diet. Also choose protein-rich foods such as nuts and lean meat. For example, eat a salad with smoked chicken breast or fish with lots of vegetables. Eggs, Greek yogurt and fruit are good ingredients for breakfast. Big meals and a lot carbohydrates you better get out of the way. They also often cause an energy dip afterwards.
3. Take breaks
After a short night, your attention span is slightly shorter than usual. To make sure you stay focused, it’s important to take short breaks throughout the day. For example, go outside for a walk. The fresh air will do you good, the movement will make the brain alert and the sunlight will let your body know to stay awake. If you would like to exercise despite the bad night’s sleep, take it easy. If you are already tired, you are much more likely to get injured.
A short afternoon nap can also help, but there must be an opportunity for it. Don’t sleep for more than 25 minutes or you’ll just get more sleepy.
4. Don’t ask too much
To be fair, after a broken night you are not at your best. Try to keep the workload for that day as low as possible. Focus on a few important things and ignore the rest. That way you can still deliver good quality. It is better to postpone really important decisions if possible.
5. Get back to your rhythm
Of course you can try to make up for the lost sleep a little, but this also applies in moderation. sleep in any case, no more than two hours extra. Finally, the aim is to get you back into your normal sleep rhythm. If you get too much sleep, the rhythm will only get further confused.
Also don’t go to bed too early, try to go to sleep no more than an hour before your normal bedtime. And no matter how tired you are, you don’t need more than ten hours of sleep. Lying in bed all day almost never makes sense.