In France, around 6 out of 10 women are too fat: this is the (sad) conclusion of a recent OpinionWay survey for the Qilibri brand published in June 2020.
But how can we tell the difference between a complex (which is not necessarily justified) and reality? How do we know if we really have a few extra pounds, or if it’s just “in our head”? The answers of the dietician-nutritionist.
What are the symptoms of being overweight?
“One of the main symptoms of excess weight, in both men and women, isshortness of breath on exertion“explains Chloé Vacle, dietician-nutritionist. In short: if you feel tired going up a staircase, that you have to stop between two floors to catch your breath, that you are unable to jog to catch a bus , that you can’t walk for long without feeling at the end of your rope … There are probably a few extra pounds.
Another very concrete sign that must be taken into account: the joint pain. “In case of excess weight, thearthralgia manifests itself especially in the knees and in particular during physical exertion – when walking, when climbing stairs, when running … or simply when standing for a long time.“
“Being overweight can also result in disturbed sleep : we have trouble falling asleep, we wake up during the night and (especially) we start to snore, explains Chloé Vacle. Being overweight can even lead to a sleep apnea syndrome, which is characterized by breathing “pauses” when sleeping. “
To know. “Weighing yourself every day is useless: weight varies naturally from day to day, especially with diet and hydration“, remarks Chloé Vacle. For the specialist, the clothes are therefore better indicators than the famous scale: if we can no longer close our favorite jeans or we have to renew our wardrobe because we feel tight in our clothes, we can suspect weight gain !
And also. Weight gain can also be the result of a difficult life event – a break-up, dismissal, divorce, bereavement … “We can then observe a changing eating habits : we start nibble without being able to help it, we eat fatter and sweeter, we no longer eat at the table or at fixed times, we respect less food sensations… and we get fat“explains Chloé Vacle.
BMI, waist circumference, thigh circumference … Can we trust the numbers?
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the tool used by doctors to estimate the build of their patients. To calculate it, just divide its weight (in kilos) by its height (in meters) multiplied by itself beforehand: the health authorities estimate that a “normal” build should be between 18.5 and 25.
“BMI is an easy indicator to calculate but it is not sufficient, nuance the specialist. Indeed, it does not differentiate between fat mass and muscle mass and can therefore be distorted, especially in very athletic people.“In short: calculate your BMI, yes, but no question of trusting it with your eyes closed!
What about the waist circumference or the thigh circumference, then? “According to the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), these two indices are not relevant indicators for excess weight.“answers Chloe Vacle.
I have (maybe) a few pounds to lose: who can I contact?
The dietitian-nutritionist’s recommendation is clear: it is better to turn to a professional (nutritionist or dietitian-nutritionist) for healthy and lasting weight loss. In addition, you can be accompanied by a psychologist, a hypnotherapist, a naturopath, a sports coach, a sophrologist … “It is about finding a healthy overall lifestyle, not just a balanced diet.“
“It is important to treat excess weight quickly, both to protect against the associated complications (cardiovascular, respiratory …) but also because it is easier to lose weight when the problem is taken care of early.“underlines Chloé Vacle. In addition, particular vigilance is necessary in the event of chronic disease – diabetes, osteoarthritis, arterial hypertension …
The advice of the pro. “Avoid draconian regimes : if they are certainly effective in the short term, they cause (it is proven) health problems subsequently – the yo-yo effect promotes in particular excess cholesterol, hormonal and cardiovascular disorders.“
Thanks to Chloé Vacle, dietician-nutritionist at the Châlonnais clinic (71).
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