Medicines, access to healthcare, disability, prevention of obesity… health was the main concern of the deputies, the lords of the written questions in 2012-2013.
What is the favorite topic of Members’ written questions? Health ! Between July 3, 2012 and July 23, 2013, the 577 deputies wrote no less than 38,440 questions to the government … Faced with this tidal wave, TBWACorporate, an institutional communication agency, scrutinized the subjects addressed by parliamentarians. Medicines, access to healthcare, disability, prevention of obesity, status of osteopaths… health issues come out on top before questions of taxation or security: 4981 questions on health against 2303 relating to taxation for example. “A fact all the more remarkable as during the parliamentary session of 2012-2013, there was no major law on health”, indicates Audrey Herblin, author of this barometer of parliamentary activity.
Is it due to the good representation of the health professions on the benches of the Palais Bourbon? The hemicycle has 27 doctors, 6 employees of the medical sector, 4 pharmacists, 2 dentists, 2 midwives… “This can explain it, but not only, relativizes Pierre-Yves Frélaux, the president of the agency. The deputies relay a strong concern among the French, as evidenced by opinion polls, in particular an Ifop poll of April 2013 which indicated that health is a priority subject for 59% of those questioned, not very far behind the fight against unemployment. “
That said, the period 2012-2013 was punctuated by the case of 3 pills.e and 4e generation, the trial of PIP breast prostheses, or the agreement signed between liberal doctors and health insurance on excess fees. This explains why there were more than 220 questions relating to the drug, or 118 on the quality of care.
Written questions are less well known than topical questions, which often allow their author to attract the spotlight. On average, 88 written questions emerge every day from the National Assembly to land on the desks of the ministers… “For us, these written questions are a barometer of society, since the deputies often ask them following the interpellation by a voter or following the solicitation of an interest group, explains Pierre-Yves Frelaux, the president of the agency. Whether the questions reflect the mood of the voters or the demands of the intermediary bodies, they are therefore rich in teaching and make it possible to identify the subjects on which each deputy wishes to engage. “
Listen to Pierre-Yves Frelaux, president of TBWACorporate. ” Interest in health issues is as strong and homogeneous in the UMP as in the PS“.
Our elected representatives asked an average of 58 written questions, all themes combined, during this parliamentary session. But some are breaking records like Jean-Jacques Candelier (GDR, Nord) and Marc Le Fur (UMP, Côtes-d’Armor), first tied with 945 questions.
At the bottom of the ranking, François Fillon (UMP, Paris) and Jean-Louis Borloo (UDI, North) who did not engage in the exercise during this parliamentary session. But, they can undoubtedly use other channels to challenge government ministers.