Having shorter, more split nights and more frequent nocturnal awakenings is completely normal after the age of 65. Physiological changes, menopausehave repercussions on sleep.
However, this feeling of not sleeping well leads many people to complain of insomnia in consultation. And these complaints too often lead to the prescription of sleeping pills. Thus, almost a third of people over 65 use sleeping pills chronically, and in more than one in two cases, these treatments would not be indicated.according to the High Health Authority. Pain, anxiety, sleep apnea or even urinary problems can sometimes explain poor quality sleep.
Mianserin is an antidepressant, not a sleeping pill
Among other sleeping pills, some patients are sometimes prescribed mianserin (known as Athymil), a medication intended to treat major depressive episodes. However, as we are reminded the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM), the use of this medicine to treat sleep disorders has not been evaluated and “lTaking mianserin puts patients at risk of potentially serious side effectsparticularly in the population aged over 65.
What are the risks of mianserin?
Mianserin is not a harmless drug. Among the adverse effects encountered by people over 65 and reported to health authorities, we find:
- Frequent drowsiness
- Hepatitis
- Seizures
- Exceptional cases agranulocytosis (a decrease in certain white blood cells in the blood)
- The appearance of suicidal behavior.
How to improve sleep after 65?
Changes in sleep patterns linked to aging can be improved by simple habits and a healthy lifestyle: regular physical activities, exposure to light during the day, healthy diet and lifestyle, comfortable bedroom layout, etc.
If you have problems with insomnia, why not also try gentle solutions?