Pain relief: try qigong
Qigong is a very ancient practice used in traditional Chinese medicine. The qigong method combines body, posture and mind at the same time, with the aim of circulating the body’s energy and thus preventing disease. However, tests carried out on patients suffering from arthritis have shown that the practice of qigong has a particularly positive impact on joint pain.
83% of the patients recognized a marked improvement in their condition thanks to one or two hours of qigong per day for a month. Rest assured, once you are familiar with the movements of qigong, it will become a routine and only 20 to 30 minutes a day, in the morning upon waking up or just before going to bed, will relieve the pain. In addition, accompanied by a few meditation sessions, qigong will be all the more effective.
Pain relief: the benefits of arnica
Arnica is a plant that is found mainly in the mountainous regions of Europe and Russia. The medicinal virtues of this plant have been known for a long time. In the form of an infusion for a compress, tincture or ointment, arnica relieves many ailments: osteoarthritis, bruises and postoperative pain.
Arnica oil is also very often used in the form of massage oil because it has an amazing ability to reduce muscle pain and provides an immediate feeling of well-being upon application. In addition, in cases of venous insufficiency, arnica gel helps to accelerate venous return, as well as to reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs.
Pain relief: try acupuncture
Acupuncture, originally practiced in Chinese medicine, is now increasingly recognized as an effective remedy, especially for relieving pain. It is both a preventive and curative medicine which aims to preserve the body’s energy balance to avoid pain and disease.
Thus, acupuncture can act on immediate pain as well as in the long term. Indeed, the stimulation of acupuncture points causes the secretion of endorphins by the pituitary gland, also called hormones of happiness. The increase in the concentration of endorphins in the brain has the same effect as the absorption of morphine: a feeling of well-being and the disappearance of pain. Some tests have also shown that the use of acupuncture reduces nausea and vomiting following certain surgeries.
Pain relief: the virtues of olive
Mediterranean gold never ceases to be talked about: olive oil has many qualities that have long been recognized. Among other qualities, olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties, comparable to classic anti-inflammatories found in tablets such as ibuprofen.
In the United States, researchers have determined that a third of a cup of virgin olive oil has the same pain-relieving properties as an aspirin tablet. These anti-inflammatory properties are particularly valuable in the case of painful chronic diseases which require long-term treatments. In addition, many studies have shown that olive oil helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Pain relief: long live the fish!
Fish and more precisely the omega 3 contained in the fat of fish were already known for their protective virtues of the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that fish oil also helps reduce muscle pain, especially in the back and joint pain in patients with rheumatism.
After only ten weeks of treatment with fish oil, people with back pain stopped taking pills to relieve the pain. Be careful, prefer fatty fish such as salmon, herring or mackerel caught in their natural environment and not in farming. If you are not a fan of fish or if you have a hard time convincing your children to finish their plate, you can also find fish oil supplements in the form of capsules in pharmacies.
Pain relief: relax
Nothing like a massage to calm the pain and relax. Massages immediately reduce muscle pain, but they also prevent future ailments. Indeed, by evacuating stress and tension, massage eliminates one of the main factors of pain. In addition, facial massages are particularly effective in combating headaches. The best way to stay in good shape is to have a massage for at least an hour every two or three weeks.
If your budget is a little tight, some institutes offer courses to teach you and your partner the art of massage and you can pamper yourself at home as much as you want!
Pain relief: laugh!
It is proven, laughter is the best medicine and it is a pain reliever naturally produced by the human body. When you laugh, your body secretes endorphins that will dramatically reduce pain and make you feel good. In addition, laughter is also an excellent way to boost your immune system and to cope better with certain chronic diseases.
The medical virtues of laughter are more and more exploited today, thanks in particular to the creation of genuine group laughter therapies, such as those offered by the international school of laughter (
Pain relief: drink more!
Hey, yes, water is your body’s best ally. For it to be perfectly hydrated, it is recommended to drink a bottle of water per day, or about 1.5 liters. More surprisingly, water has been found to be very helpful in preventing muscle and joint pain. Indeed, when you have made a physical effort, you often feel stiffness. These are due to the accumulation of lactic acids in the muscles, causing pain. To prevent muscle soreness, drink plenty of water within 24 hours of exercising, it will help your body eliminate waste.
Water also helps fight joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. These pains appear when there is too much uric acid in the body, which is then deposited on the joints.