A study of more than 8,600 Australians shows that those who ate a lot of fruits and vegetables every day were less stressed than others.
Here is another good reason to eat five fruits and vegetables every day: it would have a positive impact on our stress level!
In any case, this is the conclusion reached by researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia. In a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, they argue that a daily diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced stress.
10% reduction in stress
To reach this conclusion, the study authors followed more than 8,600 Australians aged 25 to 91 who participated in a study analyzing the link between diabetes, overweight and lifestyle called AusDiab (Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle). Study) from the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.
The results revealed that people who ate at least 470 grams of fruits and vegetables per day had 10% lower stress levels than people who ate less than 230 grams. As a reminder, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day.
“We have found that people who eat more fruits and vegetables are less stressed than those who eat less, suggesting that diet plays a key role in mental well-being.”, says Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, who led the study.
Eat well to be well in your head
According to the researcher, these results strengthen the link between diets rich in fruits and vegetables and mental well-being. Indeed, while a mild level of stress can be good for stimulating our cognitive functions and is perfectly normal, long-term exposure to high levels of stress can have a significant impact on mental health.
“Long-term, unmanaged stress can lead to a whole host of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, depression and anxiety. mental health in the future “, believes Simone Radavelli-Bagatini.
Nutrients against oxidative stress
How to explain this link between consumption of plants and reduced stress? The researchers advance the trail of key nutrients, although it is still a hypothesis.
“Vegetables and fruits contain important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and carotenoids which can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and therefore improve mental well-being, explains Simone Radavelli-Bagatini. Inflammation and oxidative stress in the body are recognized factors that can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and lowered mood. “
“These results encourage further research on diet and more particularly on the fruits and vegetables most beneficial for mental health”, she concludes.