I am 22 years old and for a few weeks now I have been seriously concerned about whether I have erectile dysfunction. For about eight months now I sometimes have to deal with not being able to keep my penis erect during sex, but since a month I no longer have morning erections.
Now I live abroad and don’t know how to raise this issue with a doctor here, also due to the language barrier. That is why I would like to first submit this problem to a Dutch specialist. Do you know what this could be?
Henriëtte Schoones, sexologist
In your email you write that you sometimes have to deal with not being able to keep your penis erect. This means that you occasionally have an erection and can also maintain an erection. In that case, there are no physical causes.
Only if, under all circumstances, for a few weeks, you do not erection so not with solo sex, no longer have morning and night erections and can no longer get erections with your partner, the cause could be physical in nature.
I think the cause with you is more of a psychological nature because you do get an erection but it is about maintaining the erection. You may experience blocking thoughts during intercourse such as “as long as he stays stiff” or “if only it works now” and so on.
For sex you need sexual, stimulating thoughts and not fear of failure thoughts. I hope I have reassured you with this.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Henriëtte Schoones specializes in sexual and relationship problems. She has her own practice for sexology and relationship Therapy in Tiel and works as a sexologist in the Rivierenland Hospital in collaboration with the gynaecologists. She answers all kinds of questions that arise within a relationship.