The benefits of dark chocolate keep being shown. Good for the heart and for the spirit, it is to be consumed without moderation! Two new studies showing once again its positive effects on health were presented at the annual Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego. Carried out by researchers from theLoma Linda University (California, United States), they show that consumption of dark chocolate, composed of at least 70% cocoa, is beneficial for memory, mood, immunity, inflammation and the stress.
A brain in great shape
The first study looked at the effects of cocoa on the immune system, neural signaling and sensory perception. In subjects consuming 70% dark chocolate, the signaling pathways regulating the cells of immunity, exchanges between neurons and sensory perception were much more optimized. The immune response and brain plasticity were therefore better. The second study followed volunteer brain activity after consuming 48 grams of 70% dark chocolate. The results showed that this superfood, again, improved brain plasticity inducing benefits in brain health and behavioral regulation.
These effects are due to flavonoids extremely potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents found in cocoa. They are known to preserve brain and cardiovascular health. The higher the concentration cocoa is high, the more flavonoid there is, the greater the beneficial effects!
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