To avoid going to the Emergency Room during the holidays, leave the scooter within its radius and opt for a Trivial Poursuit instead. Indeed, this means of transport very appreciated by children causes falls and injuries. So much so that the scooter causes 34.9% of injuries and 42.5% of hospital admissions for children.
US emergencies accommodate 12 million injured children and adolescents, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
This new study looked at the most common causes of admitting children to the ER. And the most dangerous toys for children.
Scientists at the Columbus Children’s Hospital (USA) estimated that 149,003 were admitted to hospital because of children’s toys. The number and rate of injuries peaked at the age of 2. 63.4% of the patients were male and 80.3% of the injuries occurred at home. Researchers have established that the non-motorized scooter caused 74% of wounds, fractures and concussions due to these toy vehicles. They caused the most toy-related injuries (24% for all ages, 27% for those under 12 and 28% for those under 15).
The right rules to protect children
Children should avoid playing with their scooters near roads, wear knee and elbow protection and a helmet. The little ones, under 8 years old, must always be supervised by an adult.
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First aid: 8 out of 10 parents know how to save life
First aid: the right actions in the event of an accident