When we prepare our meals, cleanliness and hygiene are essential to ensure food safety. This implies a washing meticulous hands, use of clean utensils and preparation on a cleaned work surface. However, an often overlooked aspect of this routinekitchen hygiene is the preliminary washing of vegetables, especially cucumbers and zucchini.
Why do you need to wash cucumbers and zucchini before peeling them?
Cucumbers and zucchini, as well as all other fresh vegetables and fruits can be contaminated in the fields by coming into contact with soil, contaminated water, wild or domestic animals or poorly composted manure. Simply peeling these vegetables is not enough to eliminate all potential health risks. THE bacteria present on the surface of the skin of vegetables can easily contaminate their flesh, creating an environment conducive to illness and food poisoning.
Should we wash all vegetables before eating?
Yes, this hygiene rule doesn’t only apply to zucchini and cucumbers. All fresh fruits and vegetables should be cleaned thoroughly in running drinking water (no soap or bleach!), even if there are no traces of soil. This reflex must be done before peeling them, in order to eliminate bacteria, dirt, dust and even pesticide residues which may adhere to their surface. This precaution is all the more important if you plan to consume these raw vegetables, like in a salad, because everything contamination could cause health problems.
If you are used to cooking vegetables such as potatoes and carrots without peeling them, it is imperative to wash them thoroughly before preparation. For example, if you want to prepare baked potatoes without removing the skin, it is essential to rinse them thoroughly with clean water before cooking, because even the heat of cooking does not guarantee the complete elimination of the bacteria present on the surface of vegetables.
How to wash fruits and vegetables effectively?
The best method is to wash them under therunning water rubbing them vigorously with a vegetable brush to remove all soil or pesticide residue. For lettuce or cabbage, remove the outer leaves before rubbing them lightly under running water to dislodge any soil particles. A few drops of vinegar added to the soaking water dislodge slugs and gnats from salads in your garden. However, be careful not to let them soak for more than 5 minutes in water, especially if they are cut, because some of their mineral salts and vitamins dissolve in the water.
– Why wash or peel fruits and vegetables? vidal.fr
– Toxoplasmosis: prevention measures to adopt during pregnancy.ameli.fr