Introduced in California in the 1970s from Iranian seeds, the pistachios represent one of the newest cultures in the United States. Very quickly, their nutritional value was highlighted by various scientific studies.
” In March 2020 and for the first time in history, it was announced that pistachios grown in the United States belong to the few plant proteins that are also complete proteins.explains the American Pistachio Growers (association of 865 growers). They contain the nine essential amino acids necessary for human growth, generally present in animal proteins “.
A portion of 49 pistachios (i.e. 28 g) is thus an excellent source of copper and of proteinsof fibersof vitamin B6, of phosphorus and of thiamin.
“The pistachio is a healthy, practical and tasty snack, with a wealth of antioxidants and good quality proteins that really make it an ally for fitness, shape and health”, confirms us Vanessa Bedjai-Haddaddietitian-nutritionist in Paris.
Pistachio is an ally against chronic diseases
It is no coincidence that the World Health Organization recommends that adults integrate three dried fruits, such as pistachio, to their food every day!
Packed with B vitamins, protein, minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, healthy fats and antioxidants, pistachios are especially beneficial to the immune system.
This nut is an excellent source of copper necessary for the production ofantibody and the activity of phagocytes, and are essential for the maintenance of normal functioning of the immune system.
The benefits of the pistachio do not stop: numerous studies have proven their ability to prevent heart diseaseTHE gestational diabetes, aging and kidney stones.
Also recommended for sportythey promote recovery after sport.
Be careful, before buying pistachios, check their content of salt. Some manufacturers tend to load the dose of salt and additives. Focus more on California pistachios: a safe bet for your health! Preview in pictures.
Thanks to Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad, dietitian nutritionist in Paris ( )