The Skills Assessment allows you to identify your qualities, your social skills, your know-how and your values. It certainly offers you realistic options for building your professional future or anticipating your career development, but it can do even more…
The benefit of the skills assessment
You want to take stock: Do you feel the need to take a break to reflect on your past journey and better plan for the future? Do you have an important decision to make regarding your career? Do you want to change your professional environment? Benefit from a qualified and free opinion !
You are going through a difficult time: Are you bored, are you demotivated, do you no longer have any prospects? Are you questioning the meaning of your missions or have you experienced failure? Get over this feeling and move forward!
If you are going through a period of transition : your professional environment is changing and you feel the need to reinvent yourself? Are you wondering what new skills you should acquire to carry out your new role? Lean on the teachings that the balance sheet will reveal !
— Announcement —
The 8 main reasons to take stock
Here are the 8 main objectives of individuals who decide to take a skills assessment:
- I want to put all the chances on my side to find a job as quickly as possible
- I want to prepare my professional reconversion and explore career paths
- I want to define a new professional project and validate its relevance in relation to my aspirations
- I want to check if I have everything I need to create and grow my business
- I want to take stock of my skills, my motivations and my assets
- I want to prepare for my retirement by anticipating a new source of additional income
- I want to determine the training I need to advance my responsibilities
- I want to take time to take stock of my professional career
What does a skills assessment bring you?
First of all, a better self-knowledgesince the skills assessment involves a process of introspection and objective analysis of your skills.
The skills assessment also results in better knowledge of the environment and professional opportunities available to you.
Of course, the results, in terms of professional project, vary depending on the beneficiaries: a person looking for a job, an employee wishing to progress in their company, another wishing to change sector of activity, will not have the same expectations . However, there are certain common elements:
- Strengthened self-confidence : you understand the reasons for your past failures and can now overcome them, you discover unexpected resources within yourself, skills of which you were not aware before.
- Another image of the relationship to work : you discuss your childhood dreams, which have become inaccessible or obsolete. You learn to turn the page and move on to less idealistic goals. You are ready to build from your current situation.
- The construction of a clear and realistic professional project: you imagine the broad outlines of your future without locking yourself into a defined and definitive vision, you are open to the unknown and ready to seize new opportunities.
The skills assessment is sometimes an opportunity to give a new direction in your professional life: starting new studies, undertaking a Validation of Acquired Experience process, changing branches or starting your own business…
In other cases, it will be a question of working on finer things, of supporting an evolution rather than a revolution. The skills assessment is as much a tool for personal development than professional maturation.