July 10, 2008 – Caffeine and Carbohydrate Consumption May Help Athletes Recover Faster After Heavy Training, Small Australian Study Finds1.
The caffeine-carbohydrate combination allows muscles to replenish their glycogen stores more quickly, their main fuel during physical exertion.
The experiment was carried out with seven high-level cyclists. These were subjected to two intensive sessions of stationary cycling. Following one of the training periods, they had to ingest a drink containing carbohydrates; after the other session, they were given the same drink plus caffeine.
According to the results, an hour after training, cyclists had similar glycogen levels regardless of the drink consumed. However, four hours after drinking the caffeine blend, their glycogen stores were 66% higher than after drinking the other drink.
Their glucose and insulin levels were also higher, as was the amount of protein that would be responsible for transporting glucose to the muscles.
How much caffeine is needed to cause such an effect? In the present study, the drink absorbed contained the equivalent of about five cups of coffee. Researchers now want to see if a lower dose could have the same effect. It must be said that some of the athletes suffered the repercussions of heavy caffeine consumption: a few said they had had trouble sleeping or suffered from tremors.
This preliminary clinical trial would be the first to highlight the regenerative effect of caffeine and carbohydrates on the muscles of athletes after intensive exercise. Other studies have already shown that the combination of carbohydrates and caffeine is beneficial for athletes before and during training.
Claudia Morissette – HealthPassport.net
1. Pedersen DJ, Lessard SJ et al. High rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis after exhaustive exercise when carbohydrate is co-ingested with caffeine, J Appl Physiol. 2008 May 8.